Reading to our kids is so important for many reasons. It helps with cognitive development, social, emotional and character development. Plus, it builds their vocabular and when you combine it with a fun art project, you’re sure to build your kids’ lifelong love of reading!
Sarah Rushford from our West Allis/Wauwatosa was on Real Milwaukee on May 7 to show some great read alouds and fun craft ideas you can do with your kids.
If you missed the segment you can see it here:

Large Paper Plate
Shredded Green Paper
Tan Craft Paint
Paint Brush
Red Tissue Paper
Orange Tissue Paper
Tan Tissue Paper
Craft Scissors
First have your child paint their paper plate completely tan.
Set aside to let it dry completely.
Once dry, fold the paper plate in half to make the taco shell.
Have your child stuff their taco shell with the shredded green paper {lettuce} and red/tan/orange tissue paper {tomatoes, cheese, ground beef}
Once it’s stuffed, staple the “taco” shut.
Then repeat for however many tacos you want.

Large Paper Plate
Brown Tissue Paper
Brown Construction Paper
Black Construction Paper
First cut your brown tissue paper into small squares {let the kids practice their cutting skills}
Take your paper plate and put a good amount of glue all over it.
Have children place the tissue paper on top of the glue, until the paper plate is completely covered.
While they are working on that, cut out the bear’s facial features from the cardstock. Think closed eyes, nose and mouth.
To finish off the paper plate brown bear kid craft– simply glue the cardstock pieces in place and display proudly!

A Clean gallon milk or juice jug
Knife for cutting jug in half
tissue paper
googly eyes
Diluted Elmers Glue
Paint Brush
Have an adult cut a clean gallon jug in half (including the handle)
Then have an adult use a scissors to arch out the sides of the jug so it looks like legs
Cut the multi colored tissue paper into squares
Using a paint brush, brush the diluted glue onto the jug and stick the tissue paper on it.
Add googly eye

Paper plate
Mini multi-colored cupcake liners
Red construction paper
Blue construction paper
Googly eyes
Fold cup can liners in half and glue them onto the paper plate.
Trace your child’s hand and have them cut it out.
Glue the hand on top of the cupcake filters
Cut a small heart out of the red construction paper.
Cut the tip off of the heart and glue it on the plate for the mouth
Glue down a googly eye on top of the cup cake liners

White Paper Bag
Yellow, Blue, Red and Green Paint
Paint Brushes
Yellow and Black Construction Paper
Paint the blank, white paper bag completely yellow.
Next paint some red/blue/green polka dots all over the bag.
Once done, set aside to let the paint dry completely.
While the paint is drying, grab your scissors and cut out some eyes, a nose and ears for the leopard out of the cardstock.
To finish off the paper bag polka dot leopard craft, simple glue/staple on the cardstock pieces and display proudly!