
September’s Parenting Tip: Listening to Learn Parenting

Aug 29, 2024

Our lives are filled with busy days, especially with all the demands placed on parents today. Juggling work, household chores, parenting, and the general business of everyday life, along with the distraction of technology, makes us feel stretched and even disconnected in today’s fast-paced high-tech world. Why is it important to take the time to listen to your children?

It is a general assumption of parents that their children should listen to them, not the other way around. However, listening to your children is more important than you may think. According to Dana Brumm, Curriculum Specialist for Ebenezer Child Care Centers with locations in Downtown Milwaukee, Oak Creek, and West Allis/Wauwatosa, “By listening, we mean listening without fixing, without judgment, and without other distractions. Being fully present and listening with patience, so that children can form and articulate what they are thinking will make a difference in children’s lives.”

Here are some reasons why listening to learn is important…

It strengthens your bonds.
Brumm says, by actively listening to your children, you are showing them what they have to say is important to you. In turn, this will build your children’s confidence, develop their trust, and help build stronger bonds with you.

By patiently listening to your children, actively engaging in conversation, and allowing enough time for them to express themselves, you are creating a safe haven for open communication and allowing them to find their own voices which is a very important skill later on in their lives.

It aids in the development of social skills.

When you attentively listen to your children, you are being a fabulous role model for them to develop positive social relationships.

Brumm says, talking to your children regularly will serve as a practice for them to deal with the outside world which will, in turn, help them develop positive social relationships. When you listen to your children attentively, you make it clear that a conversation involves not only speaking but also listening with equal importance.

It helps build self-esteem.

“Your children understand your time and your attention are valuable, so by giving them your undivided time and attention, you are making them feel valued,” says Brumm.

Children who are not heard are under the impression that they are unworthy of your time, and their thoughts and emotions are inconsequential to you. These feelings can be detrimental to their young developing selves.  Be sure to set aside a regular time where your children will receive your undivided attention, so you can help them build self-esteem and make them feel valued and grow up as confident adults.

It enhances emotional awareness.
Brumm points out that families who repeatedly spend time together, without the disturbances of cell phones and technology, have children who are well-adjusted and are less likely to experience depression or anxiety throughout their lives.

Something as simple as eating together regularly, with no interruptions, helps create strong connections among family members. This promotes communication, allowing parents to gain insights into what’s happening in their children’s lives. When you know whether your children are happy or sad, or if they experience any distress or anxiety, you will be able to help them better.

Brumm says children are more open to sharing when the adults in their lives are completely engaged. For this reason, it is imperative for parents to put their electronic devices aside and simply be focused on their time together with their children.

“We live in a busy world. However, as parents, we need to remember that genuine attention is critical to letting children know you care about them through active listening. This active listening helps promote healthy growth and development.”

Ebenezer Child Care Centers is a not-for-profit, locally based agency committed to providing early childhood programs from the heart. The agency prides itself on being different from other child care providers in that it offers a home-like atmosphere; individualized, nurturing care; and a structured curriculum that is virtues-based for every child’s developmental stage.

Every Ebenezer Child Care Center focuses on all aspects of a child’s development: cognitive, physical, emotional, and social. In addition to providing quality care, the agency also offers other educational programming all aimed at helping parents.

The agency has locations in Downtown Milwaukee, Oak Creek, and West Allis/Wauwatosa. The agency’s main office is located at 1136 S.108th Street, West Allis. For more information, please visit the agency’s website at