Halloween is approaching and with COVID-19 still a concern, parents must remain diligent in keeping their children safe.
According to Beverly Anderson, Executive Director of Ebenezer Child Care Centers, with locations in downtown Milwaukee, Oak Creek, and West Allis/Wauwatosa, “Children absolutely adore Halloween. However, we must follow recommendations from health care experts to keep our children safe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who are eligible should get vaccinated. The CDC also recommends that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, should wear masks indoors in public places, and unvaccinated people should also wear masks outdoors when there are crowds. Social distancing is also recommended. There are many things parents can do to keep this fun holiday safe and memorable.”
Dressing Up
Anderson says, even though your children may not be trick or treating this year, you can still let them pick out costumes and wear them around the house or out on family walks. Another fun idea is to host a virtual costume contest with your children’s friends or family members.
Anderson suggests that while you want your children to select costumes they like, you also want to be sure they will be able to see clearly and walk freely in them. She also reminds you, that if they are going to be wearing them out on family walks, they should be appropriate for Wisconsin’s everchanging fall weather and bright enough that they will stand out if you are walking at dusk.
Carving Pumpkins
The tradition of carving pumpkins can certainly remain this year despite COVID-19. However, Anderson says that to keep this activity safe, parents should never allow their children to carve pumpkins without supervision and assistance. She also suggests that, instead of using knives, you purchase pumpkin carving tools that are less dangerous and available at most convenience stores.
Anderson adds that you should never allow your children to light their jack-o-lanterns, and always make sure that they are set in places that are not near flammables or little hands.
A New Twist on Trick-or-Treating
Anderson says that parents really need to get creative this year if they choose not to participate in community trick-or-treating. She suggests that families have their children put on their costumes and create a trick or treat trail in their yards or in their houses.
“Think of it as an Easter egg hunt that they can do with flashlights in the dark, and instead of finding eggs, they find Halloween candy.
“Depending on the children’s ages, families can also play spooky music to help set the Halloween mood.”
New Traditions
Anderson adds there are lots of fun things families can do safely together this year to make Halloween special.
“You can work together to convert your front yard into a spooky Halloween setting. You can make caramel apples or Halloween cut-out cookies together. You can check out some Halloween-themed books from the library. You can go on your streaming service and find some Halloween-themed shows or movies to watch together. Or, you can go online and find some fun Halloween art projects to bring out your creative side.”
“The point is that, just because Halloween may be different again this year, it doesn’t mean it can’t be fun and memorable while being safe for your entire family.”
Ebenezer Child Care Centers is a not-for-profit, locally based agency committed to providing early care and education programs from the heart. The agency prides itself on being different from other child care providers in that it offers a home-like atmosphere; individualized, nurturing care; and a structured curriculum that is virtues-based for every child’s developmental stage.
Every Ebenezer Child Care Center focuses on all aspects of a child’s development: cognitive, physical, emotional, and social. In addition to providing quality early care and education, the agency also offers other educational programming all aimed at helping parents.
The agency has locations in downtown Milwaukee, Oak Creek, and West Allis/Wauwatosa. The agency’s main office is located at 1138 S. 108th Street, West Allis. For more information, please call 414-643-5070 or visit the agency’s website at www.ebenezerchildcare.com.